We haven’t heard much from Selena Gomez in recent weeks; perhaps with a Trump Presidency looming her Mexican ass has been laying low for fear of deportation. Unfortunately Selena couldn’t stay out of the spotlight for long, as she appears to have just posed completely naked while riding a man in the sex photo above.
Selena Gomez certainly does not have anything to fear from Donald Trump, for us Muslims have given Hillary Clinton more then enough money to defeat him in November. However, what Selena should be scared of is the righteous wrath of us pious Muslim men, for once our promised “refugee” quotas are being met by a Clinton Presidency America will quickly become Americastan and Sharia law will be implemented.
Once that happens Selena and her wetback border hoping buddies will be wishing that they would be deported, for we will be rounding them all up and putting them to work on giant lettuce plantations and in our palaces to scrub our gold plated toilets… And there will be no slacking off or we will put them down for permanent “siestas”… Comprende?
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