Rihanna nips

Rihanna is known for her primitive provocative nature as she often appears nearly nude, but now as you can see in the “Kiss It Better” porn music video remix below, Rihanna has taken her brazen degeneracy to the next level.


Yes it is certainly not at all surprising to see that Rihanna is finally getting naked and engaging in hardcore sex with both men and women in this music video, as this is the natural progression (or should I say regression) of pop music and its depraved race to the bottom.

No doubt within the next 5 years music videos with pop stars sucking and fucking on camera will be commonplace, and Rihanna will be seen as a trailblazer. Unfortunately for Rihanna and all the other pop whores that come after her, within the next 10 years Islam will have completely conquered the West and executed each and every one of them under Shariah law. Proving that it is always darkest before the dawn.

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