Transgender woman livestreams supervisor’s sexual harassment

A city community service supervisor has been charged with fourth-degree sex assault after a transgender woman livestreamed him sexually harassing her on Facebook.
Makana Milho a transgender woman who was doing community service for stealing a purse said the supervisor grabbed her ass on her 5th day into her community service.
She turned on Facebook Live to record the interactions with her supervisor after he had previously directed inappropriate comments her way.
"I didn't want him touching me," she said. "I did it for my own safety and for proof to show what went on."
Milho was sentenced to six days of community service for stealing a handbag from a department store to pay her rent. She says on the fifth day, while cleaning a city park in Aiea, her supervisor grabbed her behind and started asking for sexual favors.

  That's when Milho decided to turn to Facebook Live.

The video starts with the camera on Milho:
"I'm doing my community service and this guy, he's been propositioning me, asking me about my t***. He's coming soon but I'm going to leave it online so you guys can all see and see what he's talking about. It's disgusting."
Milho hid her phone in her bag, while still streaming live on Facebook. For several minutes a man could be heard talking about other sexual encounters he has had. Then, he tells Milho he wants her to perform sex acts on him.
"Oh I got to kiss you, too?" Milho asks.
The man responds:
"I don't know. If you like, but I was going ... I like kiss you." The man then tells her she can end her community service early that day, if she complies:
Milho: "I can go home instead of going home at 3:30 yeah?" Supervisor: "Yeah, yeah or 10:30 or whatever. Cause if not, I going have to keep you at least until 1 o'clock, you know what I mean?" Milho later says in the video, "I'll think about it." In an interview with Hawaii News Now, Milho said she posted the conversation to protect herself.
"I was court ordered to do this and so, you know what I mean, when he put me in the situation and kind of threatened me in a way ... told me no one would believe me," she said.
Honolulu police are investigating the case as a fourth-degree sex assault, a misdemeanor. Police have arrested and charged 47-year-old Harold Villanueva, who was set to appear in court Wednesday. Milho's attorney, Myles Breiner, thinks the sexual harassment should be classified as a felony because Milho was court ordered to be at community service and forced to be under the suspect's supervision. Milho said:
"I was thinking in my head, he can do basically anything to me," she said. "My power was stripped away from me. I felt like a nobody because he had that power over me. He could have easily called my PO (probation officer) and made something up and I could have gotten into more trouble." Breiner adds, "She would have been thrown out of probation and possibly facing an open jail sentence."
Milho says the viral video which she livestreamed on July 22 has triggered hundreds of comments and messages to her on Facebook. Some even claim the same man solicited them. She got 197,000 views before she removed the video this week.
The supervisor

She said even other members of the LGBT community accused her of being a prostitute who encouraged the man on.

She added:
“I took it down because I was getting so much backlash”. “People were saying it’s my fault. People were making fun of the situation. I wasn’t comfortable being a punchline to something serious that happened to me.”
The supervisor has been suspended without pay.

Source: NY Daily News

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