Kylie Jenner Snapchat

Kylie Jenner took to her Snapchat to flaunt her bulbous teen boobs in a tight white top in the photo above and video below.


It is clear from these Snapchat videos and photos that Kylie Jenner’s slutty tits could use a good hard Islamic tongue lashing, and her swollen lips would look great struggling to wrap around just the very tip of a Muslim’s enormous meat scud.

Kylie Jenner Snapchat

Unfortunately for Kylie she was brought up in a family of gypsy mudshark whores who taught her to gain fame by fornicating with dirt skin nig nogs, because the depraved infidel masses have a kink for interspecies relationships. This has sullied Kylie’s promising body, and not only assured that she will die of AIDS, but also that she will never know the unimaginable pleasure of being a powerful Muslim’s f*ck toy.

Kendall Jenner nips

As a side note Kylie’s older sister Kendall Jenner just posed with her nipples and outline of her lady mound visible in the photo above from the new issue of Love magazine.

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