83 year old man on wheelchair is eaten alive by his neighbor’s dogs leaving only a third of his body intact

An 83 year old man on a wheel chair, Michael Downing was dismembered by his neighbors' savage dogs in Jacksonville, Florida. Neighbours Mackenzie Partin and Eddie Edwards found his body, which was almost unrecognisable, next to a set of bins last Friday at 4pm, local time. Speaking with WFTV9, Partin said;
“By far it’s probably the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life. “There was only 30 per cent left of his body.”
The dogs slipped through a hole in the fence which divided Downing’s property from dog owner Lephus Fenton’s home.
Partin said the dogs dragged the victim into their yard to devour him.

He said:
“They had dragged him underneath, back up underneath, to eat on him.”
The four dogs have been identified as Rottweiler and German shepherd mixed breeds.
The dogs reportedly ripped the victim’s legs off and ate flesh from his body and head during the terrifying ordeal.

Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services is reportedly in the process of having the dogs declared dangerous which would lead to them being put down.

The police haven't yet charged Fenton and no arrests have been made.

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