Emma Watson Naked With Her Hair Up

While the Americans were out celebrating their independence from England this weekend, saucy British minx Emma Watson was posing naked with her hair up in the photo above.

As this naked Emma Watson picture proves, Americans certainly made the right choice when they decided to rebel against the corrupt British rule. However, their “Founding Fathers” made a grave mistake when instead of adopting the wise divine text of the holy Qur’an for the basis of their new nation, they instead foolishly drafted a “Constitution” filled with the blasphemous ideas of the so-called “Enlightenment”.

Thankfully secret Muslim Barack Obama has made great strides in dismantling the Constitution of the United States, thus paving the way for the coming formation of the caliphate of Americastan. Rest assured that when that day comes Americastan will declare war on England, and wipe out Emma Watson and all of her limey countrymen. Freeing humanity from the oppressive sight of their sickeningly pasty flesh in photos such as these once and for all.

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