Rapper Nicki Minaj has once again greatly offended us pious Muslims, this time by posting the “camel toe” selfie above to her Instagram.
How dare Nicki flaunt her engorged she-boon pussy lips like this and defile the good name of the noble camel! In my expert opinion Nicki’s swollen and battered baby box bulging in her panties in this photo looks nothing like a camel’s toe, and it certainly smells far worse.
Of course it is extremely offensive to compare any of Nicki’s misshapen body parts to those of a beautiful and majestic creature like a camel. For Nicki’s face is much uglier, her humps are smaller and more lopsided, and her cock pocket is covered in genital wart scars and dried up nig nog jizz so unless its a Nigerian camel its toes are nothing like that. Frankly the best comparison in nature to Nicki’s fat sagging labia would be to call them bulldog jowls.
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