Meet The Boy Who's Head Is The Size Of Football Due To Excessive Fluid In His Brain. Photos

A baby boy's head has swollen to more than three times its normal size due to a medical condition. Two-year-old Emon, from southern Bangladesh, has a head that weighs 20 lbs (9kg) - the same weight as an average one-year-old boy.
2 year old Emon with swollen head
Emon was delivered by Caesarean section with a head that was slightly bigger than usual, but in the past two years it continued to expand.

The huge weight of his head leaves the toddler unable to talk, walk or even move his limbs - meaning his parents have to take care of him constantly.

Doctors have told Emon's parents if he is taken abroad for foreign treatment, medics could help him.... But they say they are too poor to go to another country.

2 year old Emon with swollen head
2 year old Emon with swollen head
2 year old Emon with swollen head

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